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Teaching Assistant Marketing || Bindura University of Science Education – BUSE

  • Bindura
  • Applications have closed

Bindura University of Science Education - BUSE

DUE : 28 NOV 2022

The candidate must have a Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management degree passed with at least an upper second class (2.1) from a recognized University and that;
The successful candidate must be committed to pursuing further studies.

Duties and Responsibilities
The candidate must be able to:
Offer tutorials to at least six (6) of the following courses; Introduction to the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Rooms Division, Food Preparation, Tourism Operations, Principles of Tourism and Hospitality Marketing, Food & Beverage Service, Food and Beverage Production, Hospitality and Tourism Law, Food and Beverage Management, Digital Tourism and Hospitality Marketing, Human Resource Management in

Tourism and Hospitality, Events Management, Hospitality and Tourism Innovation Project, Tourism Transport Logistics and Hotel Management.
Schedule and maintain regular office hours to meet with students;
Run a Guest Lodge;
Any other duties as deemed necessary by the Chairperson of the Department.
NB: Female candidates are encouraged to apply. Police clearance is mandatory for a successful candidate.

Interested and qualified persons should send one set of their application merged in continuous pdf format to consisting of the application letter, certified copies of educational certificates, transcripts, National ID, Birth Certificate and a Curriculum Vitae giving full personal details including full names, place and date of birth, qualifications, previous employment and experience, telephone number, present salary, date of availability, names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of at least three referees.

Applications should clearly indicate the “Post” which is being applied for in the subject line and addressed to:
The Assistant Registrar-Human Resources
Bindura University of Science Education
P Bag 1020
Only shortlisted candidates will be responded to. The closing date for the receipt of applications is Monday, 28 November 2022.

For more information phone (66210) 7531-2 7622, 7623, 0772 154 882-9
“Promoting Science for Human Development”

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