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  • Mutare

Africa University (AU)

DUE: 24 MAY 2024

The Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) of Zimbabwe, through the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Program (NTLP), in collaboration with Africa University (AU), under a grant sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA) project managed by John Snow Inc. (JSI), is implementing Zimbabwe’s second anti-Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Survey (DRS-2). The last drug resistance survey (DRS) was conducted over seven years ago in 2016, and a lack of more recent DR-TB estimates is hampering the planning, and accurate monitoring of performance in the DR-TB program. Therefore, there is a need for a repeat DRS to provide an accurate estimate of DR-TB burden and enable the program to accurately monitor its performance. In this regard, the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme (Ministry of Health and Child Care) seeks the services of a suitable person to fill in the position of a Survey Coordinator to manage the implementation of the DRS-2 Project

Desired Attributes: The Survey Coordinator should have:

  • A Master’s degree in Public Health, Epidemiology or a relevant qualification with demonstrable experience in TB control.
  • An undergraduate degree in health sciences.
  • He/She should have at least FIVE years’ experience in Public Health Programs.
  • He/She should have experience in conducting national health research or surveys, prior experience implementing a DRS is an added advantage.
  • Have relevant training in TB, DR-TB, TB/HIV and/or HIV.
  • Knowledge on statistical software like SPSS, EPI-INFO and Excel spreadsheets.
  • Strong networking and coordination skills.
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills.
  • This is project work and successful candidates will be required to work beyond office working hours, if there is need to beat deadlines.

Duties and Responsibilities: The Survey Coordinator will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Zimbabwe DRS-2 and s/he will be responsible for:

  • Ensuring implementation of the study according to the approved protocol and SoPs through regular interface with the Principal Investigator (PIs) of the study, other investigators, and field teams.
  • Working with the PIs of the survey and to ensure that the survey is meeting its targets, producing meaningful outputs, and promptly identify issues that may necessitate requests to make changes in the protocol, funding, or time-frames.
  • Corresponding with all study stakeholders in a timely manner including planning and coordinating regular DRS Steering committee (DSC) coordination meetings and providing secretarial services to the DSC meetings.
  • Receive, collate and compile weekly reports from site Research Facilitators.
  • Making and presenting weekly DRS progress reports to the DSC and other stakeholders as guided by the PIs on enrollment per site vs site targets, New vs Previously treated, quality of clinical information collected, logistics, sputum collection rates, and sample contamination, results return rates (Xpert/Truenat, HIV & DM, culture/DS, EQA, WGS).
  • Supervising and monitoring study personnel to ensure that they deliver on their responsibilities.
  • Working with the funders, co-recipients, and the AU finance team to ensure proper management of study funds.
  • Initiating procurement of project logistics (materials, supplies, equipment and services) to ensure their availability at the right time and in the right quantities, to facilitate DRS project activities in line with the protocol/SoPs and approved budget.
  • Working closely with the DRS Data Manager, DRS Lab Manager, Research Facilitators (RFs) at participating health facilities, and NTBRL head and data manager for a seamless DRS implementation.
  • Securing support of the National Lab Coordinator, IST hub coordinators and PTLCs and DTLCs to ensure a successful DRS.
  • Preparation of DRS financial accountabilities and technical reports.
  • Working with the subnational TB structures and RFs to ensure that all diagnosed patients are linked to care and are appropriately treated.
  • Working with the relevant project teams to ensure that project-related documents and SOPs are documented, properly filed and adhered to.
  • Provision of periodic technical reports and updates to the Investigating team.
  • Ensuring that personal and confidential information is restricted to only those entitled to know.


Interested candidates must submit an application letter, certified copies of certificates, transcripts, national identification (ID & birth certificate) and a detailed curriculum vitae giving full personal particulars including full name, place and date of birth, qualifications, date of availability, current salary, contact details, names and addresses of three referees. The application pack should be sent as a single pdf file to e-mail address clearly stating SURVEY COORDINATOR -DRS-2 in the subject of the email by no later than 1400 hours on Friday, 24 May 2024. Applicants should clearly indicate the post being applied for on the application letter, and only shortlisted candidates will be communicated to

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