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Registrar || Lorimak Africa

  • Harare

Lorimak Africa

DUE: 05 FEB 2023

Medical and Dental Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe (MDPCZ) Registrar

General Responsibilities
Working with the Chair of Council, Vice Chair and Council Committee Chairs as the Council Secretary
responsible for ensuring effective delivering of the work programs and operations of the MDPCZ
and leading the day-to-day operations of the MDPCZ Staff. Functioning as the MDPCZ CEO in
providing management and leadership in furtherance of MDPCZ purpose and strategic priorities as well as ensuring that MDPCZ operates within its mandate and enabling legislation.

Serve as a spokesperson of Council.
Be responsible for the preparation of MDPCZ work program in realization of MDPCZ’s purpose and strategic priorities, working with the Chairperson, and Committee Chairperson of the Council in the implementation of the Council objectives.
Lead in the implementation of Council Strategic objectives working closely with the Chairperson of Council and Committee Chairs.
Manage the financial affairs of Council including the development of annual budgets for approval by the Council and financial proposals for consideration by the Council ensuring compliance with the requirements of the annual financial auditing process and relevant act eg PECOG
Advise, manage, and deal confidently and competently with the Council members, as well as senior representatives of external stakeholders.

Develop and maintain the confidence of the Council in its statutory function, developing and building the necessary relationships to ensure effective and efficient implementation of the Council strategic objectives.
Tailor all written and verbal communications acknowledging the cultural sensitivity of the profession
Develop and recommend to Council yearly business plans and budgets that support the Council’s long term strategies.
Developing annual progress report on strategy implementation.
Monitor and report to Council on the performance of the company and its conformance with compliance imperatives.
Establish organizational structure appropriate to the achievement of the Council’s strategies.
Set the tone, provide ethical leadership and create a good ethical environment for management and the general workforce

Management Degree
Master in Business Administration degree.
Legal background is an added advantage

Working with diverse stakeholders
Knowledge of corporate governance
Management Leadership skills
Analytical skills and problems solving skills
Good communication and public speaking skills
Strategic decision making

Interested and qualified candidate should submit their application letter, detailed CV stating current gross salary by not later than 5 February 2023. Applications should be sent to and

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