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Contact: Mr Chirimuhanzu Robinson (VacancyBox Advertisement Consultant)
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Procurement clerk : Silo Food Industries

  • Harare

Silo Food Industries

DUE : 02 DEC 2022

Compiles requests for materials, prepares purchase orders, keeps track of purchases and supplies, and handles questions about orders.

Drafts of Adverts and Requests for Quotations for Publishing.
Processes tender adverts
Sends tender documents to the bidders.
Sources quotations through the notice board and website.
Creates Orders in SAP

Participates in Request for Quotations opening.
Prepares price comparison schedules.
Creates purchase orders in SAP.
Sends SAP generated orders to suppliers, requisitioners and accounts office.
Expedites the already sent SAP orders.

Participates in tender opening.
Evaluates tenders that would have closed.
Drafts invitation letters for adjudication meetings.
Attends adjudication meetings as secretariat.
Drafts regrets and award letters to suppliers.
Processes bid bond refunds.

Drafts Price Variation memorandums.
Receives requests for Price Variation letters.
Drafts memos for price variations.
Contract Management
Makes follow ups with suppliers after awarding of contracts.
Conducts filing of procurement documents.
Liaises with requesting departments on supplier/service provider performance to aid contract management.
Writes notification letters to the suppliers.

5 ‘O’ level subjects including English Language and Mathematics/Accounts.
Higher National Diploma or Degree in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.
At least 1-year relevant working experience.

Applications in own hand writing accompanied with two copies of detailed Curriculum Vitae and certified copies of qualifications should be addressed to:-
The Human Resources Officer
Silo Food Industries Ltd
14 Wimbledon Crescent
Email: not later than 2 December 2022.

Get a professionally crafted CV for 6 USD! Contact Mr.  Chirimuhanzu Robinson at VacancyBox on WhatsApp: +263 771 845 329

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