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Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) Final Project Evaluation : SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

  • Harare

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

DUE : 15 JAN 2023

Company Description
The Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) project, implemented by SNV in partnership with the Embassy of Sweden in Harare (Sida) and Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), aims at improving the livelihoods of 10,000 rural and peri-urban out of school youth, of which 50% are women, by means of market relevant skills training, match making with the market through internships and on-the-job training, and supporting employment and youth led enterprise development. The project commenced on the 1st of April 2019 and is running until the 30th of April 2023 under the Sida contract (Sida Contribution No. 12066) while the SDC contract is running from 1 November 2019 to 31st October 2023 (Credit proposal no. 7F-l 0076.01 .02 and Contract no 81062349).

SNV’s Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) is a market-based approach to sustainably reduce youth unemployment and underemployment. We act as a match maker between young people and private companies. Our model is based on SNV’s decades’ long experience in value chain and inclusive market development, and it aims at identifying and realizing opportunities for youth (self) employment and entrepreneurship in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and Green jobs sectors. OYE applies a theory of change that connects direct interventions with youth targets with higher-level strategic objectives about youth-inclusive market systems development and policy/enabling environment. The OYE Project aims to leverage with the efforts of government, local authorities and the private sector in a common endeavor towards youth employment and enterprise development.

SNV’s Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) approach tackles the youth unemployment issue in a comprehensive and sustainable way. We do so by:

Providing disadvantaged youth in rural areas with life skills and relevant technical training (push factor).
Linking youth to market opportunities for employment and enterprise development, including access to finance (match factor).
Employment creation and enterprise development in identified growth sectors (pull factor).

Job Description
Purpose of the End Term Project Evaluation
The purpose for this End term Project Evaluation is to assess the performance of the project and capture project achievements, challenges and best practices to inform future similar programming. In close collaboration with the OYE Program Manager and members of SNV’s Research and Learning team, the firm is expected to lead the end-line study; including but not limited to data collection for both quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews in 42 communities/ neighborhoods, and the analysis thereof culminating in recommendations for next phase.

The study should build upon the previously conducted baseline, midterm, end-line studies, providing an opportunity for more in-depth analysis and understanding on why certain intended or unintended outcomes have/have not occurred along with providing project staff with lessons learned and recommendations for any upcoming similar projects. The research will also expand the scope of previous evaluations by focusing on governance-related issues in addition to social cohesion within and between communities.

In line with Section 3.3 under the General Conditions applicable to Grants from Sida to NGOs, regarding project/program support and core support, this Evaluation should be utilization focused. In this regard, SNV seeks to gather and integrate emerging successful youth (self) employment and entrepreneurship models and approaches in a tentative phase 2 project supported by the same donors (including other donors).
For further details see the full Terms of Reference OYE End of Term Project Evaluation

Prospective Evaluators are encouraged to refer to the documents provided below;
Request for Proposal – OYE End of Term Evaluation
Bidder Profile
Additional Information

Interested Evaluators must send an expression of interest email notification and submit the requested documents to

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