Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Primary School
DUE : 18 NOV 2022
Music Teacher: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Primary School : Roman Catholic Diocese of Chinhoyi
OLPH Catholic Primary School is a private school of the Diocese of Chinhoyi. It is guided by catholic ethos which aim at forming the human person holistically. The school contributes to the national development goals through evidence-based education which is solutions oriented for an industrialized and innovative age. The school is thoroughly committed to protection and safeguarding of children and all persons. All who associate with the school as employees, suppliers of goods and services, parents and guardians and all stakeholders should commit to uphold such values.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Primary School in the Diocese of Chinhoyi is calling for applications to fill vacancies which have arisen:
Music Teacher: additional specifications
Strong knowledge of playing musical instruments that produce sound such as percussion, stringed, keyboard, wind and electronic
Must be able to play the flute, guitar, clarinet, piano and the violin
Well versed in all non- traditional sports
Send applications together with CV and certified copies of certificates to chinhoyidiocese@gmail.com
Applications to be submitted by the 18th of November 2022.