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M & E Post Graduate Interns x 4 : Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA)


DUE : 30 DEC 2022

REPORTS TO District M & E Officer
About CNFA and Amalima Loko
CNFA is a US-based non-profit nongovernmental organization (NGO) that works to stimulate economic growth and
improve rural livelihoods in the developing world through five core capabilities: (1) Productivity, Food Security and
Nutrition; (2) Input Supply and Farm Services; (3) Economic Resilience and Rapid Recovery; (4) Value Chain
Development; and (5) Volunteer Technical Assistance. Amalima Loko is a USAID-funded 5-year program
implemented by CNFA and 5 partner organizations which applies community-driven approaches to improve food
security, nutrition, and natural resource management in over 80 communal wards in Matabeland North.

Position Summary
The M&E Postgraduate Intern will support the Amalima Loko program, a BHA-funded Development Food
Security Activity operating in Matabeleland North province of Zimbabwe. The Amalima Loko activity aims to
improve food and nutrition security through increased food access and sustainable watershed management. The
M&E Postgraduate Intern will support and learn all aspects of monitoring, evaluation and learning with particular
focus on data entry and analysis. The M&E intern will work closely with the Amalima Loko M&E team at the
district to capture activity data from hard copy registers onto the Last Mile Mobile System (LMMS) using a
smartphone. The M&E Postgraduate Intern will work under direct supervision of the district M&E Officer.
Location: Binga (1), Nkayi (1), Lupane/Tsholotsho (1), Hwange (1)

M&E Postgraduate Intern will capture activity data from hard copies onto the LMMS using a smartphone.
Specific tasks for M&E Postgraduate Intern include:

Capture training, cash for assets and grants data from hard copies onto LMMS using supplied equipment in LORA and LARA packages
Analyze captured data in PowerBi to facilitate reporting by district technical teams
Participate in internal and external data quality assessments
Maintain a tracker on routine data entry into the electronic database and facilitate efficient data flow
between clusters and the district
Participate in trainings on the data capture process
Keep the supplied equipment clean and secure from possible theft, loss or damage
Maintain an appropriate filing system (as given by M&E officer) for hard copy registers

Bachelor’s degree in Monitoring and Evaluation
Knowledge of Matabeleland North languages (Tonga, Nambya or Ndebele)

Application Instructions
Qualified candidates, especially women, are encouraged to apply. To apply, please submit cover letter (indicating district of interest) and CV in either of the following ways:
Soft copy to with “M&E Postgraduate Intern Opening” in the subject line. Please do not attach certificates to your email application.

Hard copy in a sealed envelope clearly marked ‘Amalima Loko: Application for M&E Postgraduate Intern
Position’ to one of the following respective locations
Tsholotsho: District Development Coordinator’s Office
Lupane: Lupane Amalima Loko Office – 193 Old Lupane or Kusile RDC
Nkayi: Nkayi Amalima Loko Offices c/o Roman Catholic Church, District Development Coordinator’s
Office and Nkayi RDC
Binga: Binga Amalima Loko Binga Office, DDC Offices Binga and Binga RDC Offices
Hwange: Hwange Amalima Loko Office – DonBosco, Office of District Development Coordinator and
Hwange RDC Office
Closing date for applications is 2pm, Friday 30th December, 2022

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