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Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor/Professor – Department of Food Science and Nutrition : Midlands State University

  • Gweru

Midlands State University

DUE : 19 DEC 2022

Full Time Post
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor/Professor (1 post)

First degree in Dietetics or related field with at least a 2.1 pass
MSc in Dietetics or related field
A PhD in Dietetics or related field is an added advantage
Must be registered with Allied Health Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe (AHPCZ) as a Dietician

Duties & Responsibilities
The candidate must be capable of supervising both undergraduate and postgraduate students’ research work, assess students on Work Related Learning and should be able to supervise students’ research work and must be able to teach the following modules at undergraduate level;

Medical Nutrition Therapy I and II
*NB: Midlands State University is an equal opportunities employer. In the interest of promoting gender parity, female candidates are encouraged to apply.

Applicants must submit certified copies of certificates, transcripts, national identification and Curriculum Vitae giving full personal particulars including full names, date of birth, qualifications, experience, present salary, date of availability, contact details, names and addresses of three referees addressed to
the Deputy Registrar – Human Resource
The application pack should be sent as a single merged pdf file to email address: The subject line should be labeled with the post being applied for.

Closing date for applications is Monday, 19 December 2022. Note that only short- listed candidates will be communicated to.

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