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Internal Auditor – Finance || Women’s University in Africa

  • Harare

Women’s University in Africa

DUE: 10 FEB 2023

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of Internal Auditor- Operations.
The successful candidate will report to the Director, Audit and Risk

Duties and Responsibilities
Performing the full audit cycle including risk management and control management over operations’ effectiveness, financial reliability and compliance with all applicable directives and regulations;
Performing follow-up procedures to monitor timely implementation of management’s corrective actions;
Conducting special investigations when the need arises;
Preparing clear, concise, accurate, detailed internal audit reports which are supported by appropriate audit evidence for implementation by management;
Managing operations audits within time and budget allocations to ensure timely use of resources;
Examine and evaluate the effectiveness and application of risk assessment methodologies and risk management procedures;
Identify loopholes and recommend risk aversion measures and cost savings; and
Performing any other duties assigned by the Director, Audit and Risk.

Qualifications and Experience
A degree in Internal Auditing, Accounting or any other related field;
Possession of a relevant professional qualification such as CIA/ACCA/CIS/ICA/IFA/CISA is an added advantage;
Must be a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors or other relevant professional body; and
At least two (2) years of proven working experience in internal auditing.

Interested candidates should submit six (6) sets of applications with detailed curriculum vitae, certified copies of academic and professional qualifications by Friday 10 February 2023 to:
The Deputy Registrar (Human Resources & Administration)
Women’s University in Africa
P.O Box GD 32 Greendale
Hand deliver at
Women’s University in Africa
Number 549 Arcturus Road Greendale
P.O Box GD 32 Greendale

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