Contact: Mr Chirimuhanzu Robinson (VacancyBox Advertisement Consultant)
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Graduate Trainee Recruitment || Anmack Mining (Pvt) Ltd – Sabi Gold Mine

Anmack Mining (Pvt) Ltd - Sabi Gold Mine

DUE: 15 JUL 2024

Harare Office:
Suite 1, First Floor, North Wing Belvedere Square, Corner: Burton & Princess Road Belvedere.
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263 4 740053

Mine Site:
Rutenga Road, P. Box 93 Zvishavane Voip: 08688002773/2774

Anmack Mining (Pvt) Ltd is the operating company for Sabi Gold Mine in Zvishavane. We believe in purposeful partnership with our human resources in driving our vision of becoming one of the leading consistent gold producers in Zimbabwe. Our mission is to maximize stakeholder value through safe exploitation of gold reserves in a cost effective, safe, profitable, sustainable manner and equitably rewarding stakeholders.

An exciting opportunity has arisen for young qualified, ambitious and highly motivated graduates to join our high performance team. Successful applicants will undergo an intensive two (2) year hands-on Post Graduate training programme expected to fully prepare them into complete professionals.
Applications are therefore invited from recent graduates with at least an upper second-division degree class from a recognized University to take up training in the following qualification-relevant areas:
Mining Engineering:
Mechanical Engineering:
Metallurgical Engineering

Interested suitably qualified individuals with demonstrable high levels of personal discipline and organisation are encouraged to submit an application, copies of scanned certified certificates including the transcript, and a detailed curriculum vitae with three (3) contactable referees by not later than 15th July 2024 to, The Human Resources Manager through email

Get a professionally crafted CV for 6 USD! Contact Mr.  Chirimuhanzu Robinson at VacancyBox on WhatsApp: +263 771 845 329

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