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Chief Research Economist || Infrastructure and Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ)

  • Harare

Infrastructure and Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ)

DUE: 19 JUL 2024

The Infrastructure and Development Bank of Zimbabwe (“the IDBZ/the Bank”) is a national
Development Finance Institution (DFI) that supports infrastructure and development across all
sectors of the economy. Its infrastructure focus is on Water and Sanitation, Housing, Irrigation
Infrastructure, Transport and Energy. As part of its developmental mandate, the Bank offers
financial or technical assistance to undertakings of all enterprises in furtherance of the National
Development Agenda. As such, the Bank promotes the infrastructure value chain, agri-businesses,
mining, export-oriented businesses, metals production, and the manufacturing sector. The Bank’s
purpose is to uplift the livelihoods of all Zimbabweans through development financing.
To effectively execute its mandate, the Infrastructure and Development Bank of Zimbabwe (“the
IDBZ”/ “the Bank”) wishes to engage the services of fixed-term assignment contract staff to
undertake a detailed research on devolution and infrastructure development in Zimbabwe.

The Bank operations are guided by its Long-Term Strategy 2021-2030 (LTS) and 2024-2026 Work
Programme and Budget (WP&B) which are informed by the country development agenda as
espoused in Vision 2030, the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS 1) and other Government
Policies, and the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The IDBZ champions sustainable
economic growth and development in Zimbabwe through mobilization of appropriate resources,
technical support in project preparation and development, and knowledge generation and sharing.

For the Production of Detailed Research Paper
Titled “Devolution and Infrastructure Development:
Opportunities, Challenges and Lessons from Best Practice”

The Bank’s operations
1.1 Background Information on Devolution and Infrastructure Development
Devolution is a process of transferring power and authority (decentralisation) for making sociopolitico-economic decisions from central governments to local governments and communities.
Local communities are involved in planning, designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluating
development programmes. Having been implemented in many African countries, devolution has
proved to be effective in poverty reduction. Devolution facilitates greater participation of
communities throughout the project cycle and as such increase ownership and the likelihood of
sustainability of infrastructure development initiatives.

The Constitution of Zimbabwe (Chapter 14) advocates for the equitable allocation of national
resources and the participation of local communities in the determination of development
priorities within their areas. Pursuant to this, the Constitution provides for devolution of power
and responsibilities to lower tiers of government in the country. The constitution provides for the
following provinces:
1. Bulawayo Metropolitan;
2. Harare Metropolitan;
3. Manicaland;
4. Mashonaland Central;
5. Mashonaland East;
6. Mashonaland West;
7. Masvingo;
8. Matabeleland North;
9. Matabeleland South; and
10. Midlands.

A review of various sections on devolution in the Constitution shows that infrastructure should be
delivered in a way that:
1. preserves national unity;
2. promote democratic participation;
3. ensure equitable allocation resources across the country;
4. promote participation of local communities in development programmes within their areas;
5. promote of efficiency and effectiveness in the use of resources;
6. ensure transparent and accountable allocation of resources;
7. encourage accessibility and availability of basic services, including educational and health
facilities, water, roads, social amenities, and electricity to marginalized areas; and
8. is sensitive to economic disparities within and between provinces.

The Bank, as a creature of statute, supports development of infrastructure in the primary and
secondary focus sectors in all the country’s ten provinces, funding project preparation activities
such as feasibility studies on infrastructure projects. Further it has increased its geographic
presence through establishing regional offices in Masvingo and Bulawayo to improve collaboration
with stakeholders.

To the furtherance of the devolution agenda, infrastructure development is indispensable to
support localised socio-economic development. As development finance institution, the Bank
support the value chain and promotes knowledge generation and sharing in support of national
development initiatives.

It is in this regard that the IDBZ wishes to recruit a Chief Research Economist (CRE) on a six month
fixed term contract to undertake a study on “Devolution and Infrastructure Development:
Opportunities: Challenges; and Lessons from Best Practice”. The Bank will engage a pool of research
assistants identified and as required by the hired CRE. In addition the Bank shall avail necessary
facilities and resources to the CRE that will be required for the execution of the assignment.

The overall objective of the study is to contribute towards the Zimbabwe’s sustainable
socioeconomic development through infrastructure development.
The specific objectives are to:
i. identify the challenges of infrastructure development under devolution;
ii. identify critical infrastructure required in all provinces for the success of the
devolution agenda;
iii. draw key lessons on devolution and infrastructure from other countries (at least five
African countries and other international examples);
iv. identify success factors for infrastructure development in a devolved nation; and
v. recommend the best approach for Zimbabwe infrastructure development under

The CRE shall be based in Harare, but the assignments will be carried out across all the Provinces
in Zimbabwe.

The Chief Research Economist is expected to carry out the following tasks:
i. Review literature and come up with appropriate conceptual frameworks that
underpin devolution and infrastructure development in general.
ii. Review and analyse selected success stories in terms of devolution and infrastructure
development in other countries (at least five African countries and other international
iii. Identify the challenges posed by devolution in terms of infrastructure delivery in
iv. Identify the key success factors for infrastructure development under devolution in
the Zimbabwean context.
v. Make overall appropriate technical and policy recommendations based on the
outcome of the review.
vi. Identify areas where the IDBZ as a DFI can intervene to catalyse infrastructure
development under devolution.
vii. Ensure the final writeup is of high quality and publishable.
viii. Training and capacity building for the staff under the ESMD and Bank wide team.

In general, the Report should outline the main challenges associated with infrastructure
development under devolution, proposed solutions and how the Bank can realign its interventions
to solve some of the problems. The report will discuss the major infrastructure projects that need
to be undertaken to address the country’s development needs. It should prioritize the projects in
terms of their expected development impacts. The report should also come out with clear legal,
policy and institutional framework required for effectual infrastructure funding under devolution.
The following outputs will be produced:
i. Inception report that highlights the Chief Research Economist’s understanding of the
Terms of Reference and the methodology to be used.
ii. The first draft report that will have to be validated at a consultative workshop.
iii. Arrange and undertake a validation workshops1

iv. The draft final report that incorporates comments
v. The final report should have recommendations.
The final document should be publishable document for visibility and large communication to
general public.

i. The study is expected to be done in a period of 6 months:
ii. The inception report is to be produced within the first month of signing the contract.
iii. The First Draft Report is to be produced within 3 months after submission of the
inception report.
iv. Draft Final to be submitted one month after submission of First Draft Report.
v. Final Draft to be submitted 6 months after commencement of assignment.

6.1 Methodology
i. The Approach to the study will be pragmatic and will utilise various tools as
appropriate (quantitative, quantitative, anecdotal evidence, opinion)
ii. The Chief Research Economist will specify the rationale, strategy, and methodology.
iii. A Workplan should be produced as part of the inception report.
iv. The Chief Research Economist will then proceed to carry out the research based on
the agreed work plan.
v. Strict adherence to known and established research ethics is expected.

The CRE shall submit a lumpsum financial proposal for the 6-month period payable in line with
the deliverables as follows:
Inception Report 10%
First Draft Report 50%
Final Draft Report 20%
Final Report 20%
The CRE will be entitled to per diem and a fixed monthly fuel allocation.
1 The Bank / Client shall procure suitable venues for the Workshops to be undertaken across the country

i.The Chief Research Economist should have at least a post-graduate degree in Economics, Rural
and Urban Planning, Development Studies, Development Finance or Geography. A PhD in any
of the areas will be an added advantage.
ii.The Chief Research Economist should have experience that involves at least three similar

Interviews will be conducted for shortlisted candidates and the best candidate will be selected.

The Chief Research Economist shall report to, the Chief Economist, Strategy and Performance

Interested applicants should submit their applications together with a detailed Curriculum Vitae by
no later than Friday, 19 July 2024. “Persons with disabilities and female candidates are strongly
encouraged to apply’’.
To be considered, interested candidates are requested to forward their applications via email to All applications should be addressed to:
Director – Corporate Services and Human Resources
Infrastructure and Development Bank of Zimbabwe
IDBZ House
99 Gamal Abdel Nasser Road

Get a professionally crafted CV for 6 USD! Contact Mr.  Chirimuhanzu Robinson at VacancyBox on WhatsApp: +263 771 845 329

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