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Audit Clerk (2 Posts): INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT || Harare Institute of Technology (HIT)

  • Harare

Harare Institute of Technology (HIT)

Qualifications and Experience

  • A degree in auditing, accounting, or any other relevant qualification from a reputable University.
  • In possession of at least one-year relevant experience in Internal Audit or in a University set up.
  • Preference will be for candidates who in addition to meeting the above, also demonstrate the following attributes:
  • Possess strong analytical skills;
  • Are professional with a strong work ethic;
  • Willing to work long hours and odd hours as the need arises;

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Carrying out audits and assignments in compliance with auditing standards, best practices and IFRS;
  • Monitoring and evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the risk management processes;
  • Preparing value-adding reports to management for discussion with management;
  • Carrying out value-for-money audits;
  • Observing stock counts and other inspections;
  • Carrying out follow-up reviews on previous reports to management;
  • Other duties as assigned by the Internal Auditor.


Click here to apply

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